Aerial Bombing / Areal Gazing as Media Practice
Marshall McLuhan once wrote the homology between "seeing" and "killing". Today, the ultimate example that shows this is the drone. But not many people know that the drone was developed in the United States during World War II when Americans heard the news that Japanese Navy was planning a suicide kamikaze attack. Moreover, the central person who developed it was Vladimir Zworykin, who is famous for the development of television. This connection between television, which is familiar to us in our daily lives, and drones, which are lethal weapons from the air, had also came from the history of aerial bombing
technology throughout the 20th century which strongly related with the history of colonialism. From this point of view, we will find the clear continuity from the bombing on Japan at the end of World War II to the Korean War, the Vietnam War and the air strikes on Afghanistan and Iraq. All of these shows the development of the Imperial military's gaze from the sky. (吉見俊哉著『空爆論:メディアと戦争』岩波書店、2021年刊)
- 時間:2023年5月26日 (五) 12:00-14:00
- 地點:政大達賢圖書館八樓達賢講堂
- 主持人:柯裕棻 ,國立政治大學傳播學院副 教授
- 與談人:楊子樵 ,國立陽明交通大學社會與文化研究所助理教授
- 致辭貴賓:陳憶寧,國立政治大學傳播學院院長
# 形式:實體與線上同步
# 演講三天前將寄送確認信,直播連結將隨確認信寄送。