2019/05/27 Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen-Insolvency
講題:Insolvency: The avant-garde after the end of modernism and the end of the working class movement in the West
日期:5/27(一) 15:00-17:30 (人社二館106室)
講者:Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen
Within art historical scholarship it is customary to argue that the avant-garde disappeared with World War Two or at the latest in the 1960’s. As Rosalind Krauss writes in her influential essay “The Originality of the Avant-Garde: The historical period that the avant-garde shared with modernism is over.” I will engage in a critical re-reading of the notion of avant-garde in art and propose a new, historical materialist reading of the disappearance of the avant-garde.