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This is an image East-Asian Marxisms and Their Trajectories 2017 - 2

作者:Joyce C.H. Liu, Viren Murthy

| 简介
In this volume, leading scholars from around the world suggest that radical ideologies have shaped complex historical processes in East Asia by examining how intellectuals and activists interpreted, rethought and criticized Marxism in East Asia. The contributors to this volume ask how we can use Marxism to understand East Asia in a global capitalist world, and where the problems that Marxism highlighted, including imperialism, 
domination and inequality, are increasingly prevalent.
The volume draws on various disciplines to reinterpretMarx, and shed light on the complex dynamics of global capitalism in various historical/national contexts. The distinguished contributors illuminate, rethink and make accessible highly complex Marxist concepts, such as the question of class contradiction, the temporalities of capitalism, real and formal subsumption, relative surplus value and the commodity form, the question of class and the proletariat.
At a time when people around the world are struggling to cope with the crises of global capitalism, this volume on regional responses to capitalism is especially welcome. It will be of interest to students and scholars of East Asian studies, social and political theory, sociology and globalization studies.

This is an image 历史的记忆与日常:资本主义与东亚批判研究──哈若图宁选集 2017 - 12

作者: 哈若图宁  
译者: 陈春燕, 王梅春 等
出版社:国立交通大学 出版社
哈若图宁(Harry Harootunian)为美国学界重要的日本研究学者,曾以意识型态批判方法及比较研究,带动一波新兴的日本研究,挑战传统方法学。此外,他长期关注区域研究及后殖民研究、全球化研究的结构性盲点,并不时提出关于历史书写之评述。出生于1929年的哈若图宁至今治学不辍,2015年末方才出版Marx after Marx,为近年马克思研究一大盛事。

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