状态 | 批判理论与亚洲现代性,国立阳明交通大学 交通校区,专任师资 |
姓名 | 陈奕麟 |
电子邮件 | |
联络电话 | 886-2-26523460 |
单位 | 国立阳明交通大学 交通校区 亚际文化研究国际硕士学位学程 |
职称 | 约聘教授 |
最高学历 | 美国芝加哥大学人类学博士 |
老师个人网站 | https://iccs.chss.nycu.edu.tw/zh/teacher.php?USN=354&type=program |
学术着作 |
【Books and Monographs】 2000 Unstructuring Chinese Society: The Fictions of Colonial Practice and the Changing Realities of “Land” in the New Territories of Hong Kong. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publications. (paperback edition, Routledge 2002) 2000 (invited guest editor) (Post)Colonialism and Its Discontents. Cultural Studies 14(3-4) (special double issue). 2001 (invited guest editor, with Shamsul A.B.) The Challenges of Critical Academia. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 2(2) (special issue). 2001 (invited guest editor) The (Post)nation, or Violence and the Norm. Communal/Plural: Journal of Transnational & Crosscultural Studies 9(1) (special issue). 2002 (invited guest editor) Global Dissonances. Social Analysis: The International Journal of Cultural and Social Practice 46(2) (special issue). 2004 (editor, with N. Rossiter & B. Shoesmith) Refashioning Pop Music in Asia: Cosmopolitan Flows, Political Tempos and Aesthetic Industries. London: Routledge Curzon. 2016 (invited guest editor) 香港(后)殖民主义的新面貌及文化危机《文化研究》23 (The New Face of (Post)Colonialism and Cultural Crisis in Hong Kong). Router 23. 2017 Forget Chineseness: On the Geopolitics of Cultural Identification (Albany: SUNY Press). 2019 On the Geopragmatics of Anthropological Identification (Oxford: Berghahn). 2023 From Social Visibility to Political Invisibility: The School in Nationalist Taiwan as Fulcrum for an Evolving World Ethos (Singapore: Palgrave-Macmillan). 【Papers in Refereed Publications】(*SSCI, ^A&HCI, TSSCI) 1980 Slavery as a Mode of Exchange among the Kwakiutl Indians of the Northwest Coast. Chicago Anthropological Exchange 13(1): 4-29. 1983 The Meaning of Crisis and the Crisis of Meaning in History: A Critical Interpretation of the Sino-British Opium War. Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica 55: 169-228. 1984 重新思考 Lineage Theory 与中国社会,《汉学研究》2(2): 403-446. (Rethinking Lineage Theory and Chinese Society. Chinese Studies 2(2): 403-46) 1984 「赌」与香港社会,《中国论坛》19(2): 35-37. (The Meaning of Gambling in Hong Kong Society. China Forum Bimonthly 19(2): 35-37) 1986 香港新界在二十世纪的土地革命,《中央研究院民族所集刊》61: 1-40. (The Land Revolution in 20th Century Rural Hong Kong. Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica 61: 1-40) 1987 国内知识界的「当代」,《思与言》24(5): 550-55 (Con-temporary and Contemporary Social Science in Taiwan: A Critical View of their “Critical” View. Thought and Word: Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences 24(5): 550-55). 1988 Is There a Structure of Chinese Society? (review essay) Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 28: 240-61. (appeared in 1990) 1989* Pariah Capitalism and the Overseas Chinese of Southeast Asia: Problems in the Definition of the Problem. Ethnic and Racial Studies 12(2): 233-56. 1989 Being and Nothingness in Chinese Kinship: Three Meta-Studies. Reviews in Anthropology 15(2): 69-80. (appeared in 1990) 1990^ Conceptions of Kinship and Kingship in Classical Chou China. Toung Pao 76(1-3): 16-48. 1990* Policing Society: The “Rational” Practice of British Colonial Land Administration in the New Territories of Hong Kong, c.1900. The Journal of Historical Sociology 3(4): 401-22. 1990 田野调查的知识宰制,《中央研究院台湾史田野研究通讯》17: 19-25. (Fieldwork as Epistemological Regime, Academia Sinica, Newsletter of Taiwan History Field Research 17: 19-25) 1991* La Terra Trema: The Crisis of Kinship and Community in the New Territories of Hong Kong Before and After “The Great Transformation”. Dialectical Anthropology 16(3-4): 309-29. 1992^ The Practice of Tradition in the Writing of Custom, or Chinese Marriage from Li to Su. Late Imperial China 13(2): 82-122. 1993 From the Historical Unconscious to the Imagined Community: The Unfinished Revolution in Nationalist Taiwan. Shisoo《思想》823: 108-26. (Japanese translation) 1994* From Nationalism to Nationalizing: Cultural Imagination and State Formation in Postwar Taiwan. The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs 31: 49-69. (revised version printed in Chinese Nationalism, pp. 126-47, ed. J. Unger, Armonk: M.E. Sharpe, 1996). 1994 The Culture Industry as National Enterprise: The Politics of Heritage in Contemporary Taiwan (abridged). Culture and Policy 5: 69-89. 1995* An Oriental Orientalism: The Paradox of Tradition and Modernity in Nationalist Taiwan. History and Anthropology 9(1): 27-56. Chinese revision 论东方人的东方论 published in《当代》108: 86-99; 109: 106-118(1995)and reprinted as 从战后台湾传统文化的建构看现代国家的弔诡 in 奇蹟背后,罗金义、王张伟合编(1997),香港:牛津大学出版社,第249至278页。 1996* Discourses of Identity in the Changing Spaces of Public Culture in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. Theory Culture & Society 13(1): 51-75. 1996^ Fuck Chineseness: On the Ambiguities of Ethnicity as Culture as Identity. boundary 2: an international journal of literature and culture 23(2): 111-38. Chinese version published as 解构中国性:论族群意识作为文化作为认同之暧昧不明 in《台湾社会研究季刊》33: 103-31 (1999)。 1996* The Lineage-Village Complex in Southeastern China: A Long Footnote in the Anthropology of Kinship. Current Anthropology 37(3): 429-50. 1996 由「土着观点」探讨汉人亲属关系,《中央研究院民族所集刊》81: 1-18. (Chinese Kinship “From the Native’s Point of View”. Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica 81: 1-18) 1998 The Culture Industry as National Enterprise: The Politics of Heritage in Contemporary Taiwan (unabridged). From Beijing to Port Moresby: Cultural Policy and National Identity in Asia and the Pacific, pp. 77-137, eds. V.R. Dominguez and D.Y.H. Wu, New York: Gordon and Breach. 2000 Democracy as Hegemony, Globalization as Indigenization, or the “Culture” in Taiwanese National Politics. Journal of Asian and African Studies 35(1): 7-27. 2000* Hong Kong, A Tale of Three Books (and One City). (review essay) Australian Journal of Anthropology 11(1): 100-108. 2000* Introduction: (Post)Colonialism and its Discontents, or the Future of Practice. Cultural Studies 14(3-4): 379-84. 2000* Colonial Govern-Mentality in Transition: Hong Kong as Imperial Subject and Object Cultural Studies 14(3-4): 430-61. 2000^ The Institutional Unconscious, or the Prison House of Academia. boundary 2: an international journal of literature and culture 27(1): 51-74. 2001* From Text to Context: How Anthropology Makes its Subject. Cultural Anthropology 15(4): 570-95. 2001* (co-authored with Shamsul A.B.) Editorial: Other “Routes”: The Critical Challenge for Academia. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 2(2): 167-76. 2001* The Politics and Poetics of Anthropological Area Studies in Postwar Taiwan. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 2(2): 221-45. 2001 Editorial: The (Post)nation, or Violence and the Norm. Communal/Plural: Journal of Transnational & Crosscultural Studies 9(1): 5-10. 2001 Diasporas of Mind, or Why There Ain’t No Black Atlantic in Cultural China. Communal/ Plural: Journal of Transnational & Crosscultural Studies 9(1): 95-110. 2002* Flushing in the Future: The Supermodern Japanese Toilet in a Changing Domestic Culture. The Journal of Postcolonial Studies 5(2): 153-70. 2002* Introduction: Global Dissonances (Bringing Class and Culture Back In). Social Analysis: The International Journal of Cultural and Social Practice 46(2): 1-10. 2002* The Coming Crisis of Multiculturalism in “Transnational” Taiwan. Social Analysis: The International Journal of Cultural and Social Practice 46(2): 102-22. 2002 From Culture to Power (and Back): The Many ‘Faces’ of Mianzi (Face), Guanxi (Connection), and Renqing (Rapport). Suomen Antropologi 27(4): 19-37. 2003 学院的民主化:迈向理性社会的最后关卡,《社会理论学报》6(1): 57-100。(The Democratization of Academia: The Last Barrier to the Emergence of Rational Society, Journal of Social Theory 6(1): 57-100.) 2003 The Changing Times of a Village Temple Alliance System in the Northern New Territories of Hong Kong: An Analysis of a Tianhou Cult. In 妈祖信仰的发展与变迁,林美容主编,台北:台湾宗教学会,第57至78页。(Development and Change in Mazu Cult Worship, ed. Lin Meirong, Taipei: Taiwan Association for Religious Studies, pp. 57-78) 2004 (co-authored with N. Rossiter) Introduction: Cultural Imaginaries, Musical Communities, Reflexive Practices. In Refashioning Pop Music in Asia: Cosmopolitan Flows, Political Tempos and Aesthetic Industries, London: Routledge Curzon, pp. 1-14. 2004 World Music, Cultural Heteroglossia and Indigenous Capital: Overlapping Frequencies in the Emergence of Cosmopolitanism in Contemporary Taiwan. In Refashioning Pop Music in Asia: Cosmopolitan Flows, Political Tempos and Aesthetic Industries, eds. A.J. Chun, E. Rossiter and B. Shoesmith, London: Routledge Curzon, pp. 49-60. 2004 (co-authored with Jia-lu Cheng) The Growth of Internet Communities in Taiwan and the Marginalization of the Public Sphere. In Globalization and the Humanities: Nation-States, Disciplines, Virtual Worlds, and Emergent Sensibilities, ed. D.L. Li, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, pp. 169-85. 2005 The Moral Cultivation of Citizenship in a Taiwan Middle School. In Education and the Making of Citizenship (Europe, South Asia, China), ed. V. Benei, London: Routledge, pp. 57-75. 2005* Writing Theory: Steps toward an Ecology of Practice. Anthropological Theory 5(4): 515-41. 2006 论「国际学术分工」中的「我们」与他们:西欧(研究)到底是指谁(甚么)?收入刘纪蕙主编《文化的视觉系统》,台北:麦田出版社,第301至317页。(“Us” and “Them” in the Global Division of Intellectual Labor. In The Visual System of Culture, ed. Joyce C.H. Liu, Taipei: Maitian, pp. 301-17) 2007 What Happened to “Greater China”? Changing Geopolitics in the China Triangle. Macalester International 18: 28-44. 2007 Ethnic Identity in the Politics of the Unreal. Taiwan in Comparative Perspective 1: 76-86. 2008^ The Postcolonial Alien in Us All: Identity in the Global Division of Intellectual Labor. positions: east asia critique 16(3): 689-710. 2009 Sketching the Discursive Outlines of Cosmopolitan Hybridity in Postwar Hong Kong: City Magazine in the Emergence of 1980s Popular Culture and Culture Industry. Journal of the Hong Kong Sociological Association 4: 189-213. 2009* On the Geopolitics of Identity. Anthropological Theory 9(3): 331-49. 2009* On the Politics of Culture, or the State of the State, in Singapore. (review essay) The Australian Journal of Anthropology 20: 369-78. 2010 Hong Kong “Identity” after the End of History. In Contemporary Asian Modernities: Transnationality, Interculturality and Hybridity, eds. Chu Yiu-wai and Eva Kit-wah Man, Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 167-90. 2011 Nomadic Ethnoscapes in the Changing Global-Local Pop Music Industry: ICRT as IC. In Charismatic Modernity: Popular Culture in Taiwan, ed. Marc L. Moskowitz, London: Routledge, pp. 86-104. 2012 From Sinicization to Indigenization in the Social Sciences: Is That All There Is? In Sociology and Anthropology in Twentieth Century China: Between Universalism and Indigenism, ed. Arif Dirlik with Li Guannan and Yen Hsiao-pei, Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 255-82. 2012* The Americanization of Pop Culture in Asia? Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 13(4): 495-506. 2012* Toward a Postcolonial Theory of the State in Singapore. Cultural Studies 26(5): 670-687. 2013* De-societalizing the School: On the Hegemonic Making of Moral Persons (Citizenship) and its Disciplinary Regimes. Critique of Anthropology 33(2): 146-67. 2013* Critical Cosmopolitanism in the Emergence of Cultural Modernity: Reflections on Discursive Imagination in Hong Kong and Shanghai. Postcolonial Studies 16(1): 46-65. 2014 What the Differences between Taiwan and Hong Kong Studies Reveal about the Differences between Taiwan and Hong Kong Society. (review essay) Taiwan in Comparative Perspective 5: 152–162. 2015^ From Roots and Routes to Returns: Is There a History of Consciousness Here? boundary 2: an international journal of literature and culture 42(2): 161-76. 2016* On Geoffrey Benjamin’s Deep Sociology of the Nation-State. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 17(2): 324-31. 2016 香港再还是不再,问题并非如此:大中国的"认同"过程与其批判挑战《文化研究》23: 119-26。(Introduction to special journal issue on post-1997 Hong Kong, Router 23: 119-26). 2017* Diaspora as Mind: Making Sense of the Experiences of the Japanese in Postwar Taiwan. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 18(1): 61-74. 2017 Why Should We Care about Chineseness? global-e 10(40), June 15. 2018 The “Legacy” of Heritage in the Dark Politics of the Nation-State. In State Policy and the Cultural Politics of Heritage-Making in East and Southeast Asia, Singapore: ISEAS. 2018 Convergences and Divergences within the “New” Greater China. Current History (September): 235-40. 2018 (with Jia-lu Cheng) From Societies of Control to the Political Economy of Protocol: Modulation and Dividualization as Algorithmic Regulatory Processes, National Chiao Tung University, International Center for Cultural Studies Working Paper 1. 2019* (Post)Colonial Governance in Hong Kong and Macau: A Tale of Two Cities and Regimes. Postcolonial Studies 22(4): 413-27. 2019 后殖民主义之「后」:超越后殖民想像及底层研究作为批判「理论」《文化研究》29: 101-22。 2020 “Nativist” Social Movement to “Post-Colonial” Democratization. Arena 3(1): 43-49. 2021* Back to the Future: Lessons of a SARS Hysteria for the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cultural Studies 35(2-3): 585-597. 2022* Taiwan’s Transnational Labor Stratification in the Evolution of Multicultural Indigenization. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 23(1): 86-99. 2022 Taste in the Making / Cooking at the Core: Cuisine as Practical Regime / Social Formation. In Food and Technologies, ed. Yu Shuenn-der, Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica Monograph, pp. 145-64. 【Conference Manuscripts and Technical Reports】 1985 Land is to Live: A Study of the Concept of Tsu in a Hakka Chinese Village, New Territories of Hong Kong. Ph.D. thesis, University of Chicago. 1987 The Ch’ing Tribute System as Guest Ritual: A Preliminary Description. Paper given at The Second International Conference on Sinology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, December 27 30. (Proceedings published in 1989) 1989 The High and the Low, the Seen and the Unseen: Local Reflections on the Moral Practice of Chinese Kinship. Paper given at the Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Washington, D.C., March 19-21. 1990 The Writing of Custom in the Practice of Tradition: The Meaning of Rites in Local Etiquette Handbooks. Paper given at ACLS SSRC Joint Conference on the Scriptures of Chinese Popular Religion, Bodega Bay, CA, January 3-6. 1990 Rewriting the Sacred: Textual Authority in the Construction of Local Ritual Traditions. Paper presented at the Society for the Study of Chinese Religion, Association for Asian Studies Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 6-8. 1991 The Cultural Consequences of Depoliticizing Moral Education in Post-Modern Taiwan. Paper given at University of Virginia Conference on Chinese Education in the 21st Century, Honolulu, Hawaii, November 19-21. 1992 From the Historical Unconscious to the Imagined Community: The Unfinished Revolution in Nationalist Taiwan. Paper given at Nationalism Today Conference, Osaka University, Japan, March 18-21. 1992 The Work of Tradition and the Logic of Cultural Construction in Modern Taiwan. Paper given at Symposium on Cultural Policy and National Identity in Asia and the Pacific, East-West Center, Hawaii, June 15-21. 1993 An Oriental Orientalism: The Paradox of Tradition in the Writing of Taiwan’s National Self. Paper given at The Subject of China Conference, U.C. Santa Cruz, January 21-23. 1993 The Changing Politics of Culture in Postwar Taiwan. Paper given at Friedrich Neumann Stiftung Conference on Transition to Democracy in Asia, Phuket, Thailand, May 28-31. 1993 Traditional Chinese Kinship “From the Native’s Point of View”. Paper given at Kinship Studies Symposium, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, June 4. 1993 Discourses of Identity in the Politics of the Modern Nation-State. Paper given at Post-Colonial Formations: Nation, Culture, Policy Conference, Centre for Cultural Policy Studies, Griffith University, July 7-10. 1994 Ethnic Consciousness, Cultural Discourse and National Identity, or Three Takes on Chineseness. Paper given at Nationalities, Ethnicities and Identities Conference, La Trobe University, Bundoora, July 7-9. 1994 The Lineage-Village Complex in Southeastern China (A Long Footnote in the Anthropology of Kinship). Paper read at The Interdisciplinary Forum on the Anthropology of China, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, May 27. 1995 To Be or Not to Be Chinese: Contradictions of Ethnicity in Postwar Hong Kong. Paper given at the Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, April 6-9. 1996 Discoursing Chineseness: On the Ambiguities of Ethnicity as Culture as Identity. Paper for The Second International Symposium on Cultural Criticism, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, January 2-6. 1996 Cosmopolitanism as Indigenizing Process: The Changing Popular Culture of International Community Radio Taipei (ICRT). Paper given at Culture, Media and Society in Present-Day Taiwan Symposium, Fairbank Center for East Asian Studies, Harvard University, June 10-16. 1996 Cosmopolitanism and Countertalk in an Emerging Discursive Public: The Semantics and Pragmatics of Two Kinds of Transnational Media in Taiwan. Paper given at Transnational Publics and Civil Society in the Asia-Pacific Conference, U.C. Berkeley, June 28-30. 1996 Colonial Governmentality as Mentalité The Changing Utopianism of British Colonialism in Hong Kong. Paper given at Colonialism, Nationalism and Modernity in East Asia Conference, Center for Cultural Studies, U.C. Santa Cruz, October 11-12. 1997 World Music, Cultural Heteroglossia and Indigenous Capital. Paper given at Society for the Study of Multi-Ethnic Literature in the United States (MELUS) Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 18-20. 1997 Problems of Teaching Socio-Cultural Theory/Research in a Taiwan Setting. Paper given at Teaching Social Sciences in East Asia Conference, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Macau, May 2-3. 1997 From Text to Context: The Production and Reproduction of Anthropological Area Studies in Postwar Taiwan. Paper given at The Future of Anthropology in South China Conference, Anthropology Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, June 10-11. 1997 The Dissemination and Institutionalization of Knowledge/Information: Problems in Communication Infrastructure. Paper given at Cultural and Communications Policy in the Asian Region: Research Agendas Workshop, organized by Griffith University Australian Key Centre for Culture and Media Policy, held in Singapore, September 4-5. 1998 Flushing in the Future: The Postmodern Japanese Toilet in the Changing Spaces of Domestic Culture. Paper given at New Cultural Imaginaries: The Fourth International Symposium on Cultural Criticism, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, January 5-9. 1999 (co-authored with Jia-lu Cheng) The Growth of Internet Communities in Taiwan and the Marginalization of the Public Sphere. Paper given at the Turn-of-the-Century China Conference, Center for Humanities, U.C. Santa Barbara, February 19-21. 2000 The Grand Illusion: The Long History of Multiculturalism in Taiwan in an Era of Invented Indigenization. Paper given at the Remapping Taiwan: Histories and Cultures in the Context of Globalization Conference, UCLA, October 12-15. 2001 The Facts and Fictions of Multiculturalism in Contemporary Taiwan. Paper given at the Asia, Europe, and Global Processes: Economic, Cultural and Normative Dimensions Conference, National University of Singapore, March 14-16. 2001 Open Economies and Closed Minds: The Coming Crisis of Multiculturalism in “Transnational” Taiwan. Paper given at the Migration Between States and Markets Conference, International Sociological Association Meeting, Liege, Belgium, May 17-19. 2001 Hong Kong “Identity” after the End of History. Paper presented at the After the End: Hong Kong Culture after 1997 Conference, Center for Transnational and Transcolonial Studies, UCLA, May 25-26. 2001 The Moral Cultivation of Citizenship in a Taiwan Middle School. Paper presented at the Manufacturing Citizenship Conference, St Antony’s College, Oxford University, July 6-7. 2002 The Disciplinary Divide: Is There a Bottom Line in Cultural Studies? Paper given at the Cultural Returns: Assessing the Place of Culture in Social Thought Conference, Pavis Centre for Social and Cultural Research, The Open University, U.K., September 18-20. 2003 Writing Theory: Steps Toward an Ecology of Practice. Paper given at the New Directions in the Humanities Conference, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece, July 2-5. 2004 There are No Schools of Thought. Paper given at the Second International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Monash University, Prato, Italy, July 20-23. 2005 Hong Kong Identity after the End of “History”. Paper given at the Bernard S. Cohn Memorial Conference, Anthropology Department, University of Chicago, May 13-14. 2005 Ethnicity in the Politics of the Unreal. Paper for panel on Anthropological Complicity and State Making, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, December 3. 2006 Changing Transnational Spaces of Western Pop Music Culture in Taiwan. Paper given at panel on Cultural Perspectives on “Global” Taiwan, Second Annual Conference for the International Association for the Study of Environment, Space and Place, Towson State University, Towson, MD, April 28-30. 2006 The Alien in Us All: Illusions of Ethnicization in the Global Division of Intellectual Labor. Paper given at boundary 2 Conference on Thinking Common Problems: A Literary Critical Symposium, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, June 13-14. 2006 On the Geopolitics of Identity. Paper given at International Symposium on Contemporary Asian Modernities, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, September 9-10. 2006 What Happened to “Greater China”? Changing Geopolitics in the China Triangle. Paper for The New Ties That Bind Conference, University of South Carolina, November 10-12. 2007 Identity as Geopolitical Process: Discursive Origins of Cosmopolitanism in Hong Kong. Paper given at Cosmopolitanism: Thinking Beyond the Nation Conference, Florida State University, February 1-4. 2007 The Glocal Future of Western Language Pop Music Radio in Taiwan. Paper given at the Theory Culture & Society 25th Anniversary Conference, Ubiquitous Media: Asian Transformations, University of Tokyo, Japan, July 13-16. 2007 Ethnicity in the Politics of the Unreal. Paper for panel on Re-Inventing Asianness, IIAS 5th Biennial International Convention of Asia Scholars, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 2-5. 2007 From Culture to Culturalism: Some Muddles in the Model. Paper for Roundtable Forum on “Being ‘Chinese’ Outside China: Problems of Research and Analysis”, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, October 9. 2008 Can the Postcolonial Speak (in Sociological Theory)? Paper given at the International Sociological Association Midterm Conference, Sociological Theory Research Committee (RC16), Pusan National University, South Korea, June 23-25, 2008. 2008 Nomadic Ethnoscapes in the Changing Global-Local Pop Music Industry: ICRT as IC. Paper given at Charismatic Modernity: Popular Culture in Taiwan Conference, University of South Carolina, October 3-5. 2008 From Sinicization to Indigenization in the Social Sciences: Is That All There Is? Paper for Formation and Development of Academic Disciplines in 20th Century China Conference, Central Nationalities University, Beijing, PRC, October 30 to November 1. 2009 The Americanization of Pop Culture in Asia? Paper given at Conference on American Pop Culture in Asia, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, February 19-20 2009 From Sinicization to Indigenization in the Social Sciences: Is That All There Is? Paper given at The Formation and Development of Academic Disciplines in China Conference, International Program in Chinese Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong, July 9-11. 2010 Toward a Postcolonial Theory of the State. Paper given at the International Workshop on Colonial Modernity and Beyond: East Asian Context, Division of English, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, March 12-13. 2010 The Japanese Diaspora in Postwar Taiwan: Narrating and Interpreting the Experiences of a Silent Minority. Paper given at Topics in Critical Theory Conference, cosponsored by boundary 2 and School of English, Hong Kong University, June 17-19. 2010 Sinicization and Indigenization in Taiwan’s Social Sciences. Paper given at International Sociological Association XVII World Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 11-17. 2011 The Legacy of Three Principles Education (三民主义教育) in Taiwan. Paper given at the Rethinking the Chinese Revolution: 1911 in Global Perspective Conference, University of Hawaii, February 29-30. 2012 Beyond the Prison House of Knowledge: A Return to the Archaeology of Discourse. Paper given at International Sociological Association RC16-Social Theory Midterm Conference, Cultures and Civilizations in the Contemporary World, Trento, Italy, June 27-29. 2012 Assessing the Relevance of “Post-colonial” Theory to Hong Kong Society, Past and Present. Paper given at “From a British to a Chinese Colony? Hong Kong Society in the Past and Today” Conference, St. Antony’s College, Oxford University, December 1. 2013 Critical Cosmopolitanism in the Advent of Cultural Modernity: Reflections on Discursive Imagination in Hong Kong and Shanghai. Paper given at Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference “Beyond the Culture Industry”, National University of Singapore, July 3-5. 2014 Rethinking the “Legacy” of Heritage in the Politics of the Changing Nation-State: A Contrarian Perspective. Paper given at “State Policy and the Cultural Politics of Heritage-Making in East and Southeast Asia”, National University of Singapore, January 16-17. 2014 From Roots and Routes to Returns: Anthropological Circuity in the Work of James Clifford. Paper given at International Sociological Association Meeting, Yokohama, July 13-19. 2015 Rethinking Govern-Mentality in the Cultural Sociology of the Colonial State. Paper given at “Practices of Order: Colonial and Imperial Projects” Conference, The Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen, January 28-30. 2019 The Transnational Labor Caste System in Taiwan’s Fictive Multicultural Imagined Community. Paper given at “Migrant-led Diversification and Differential Inclusion in Arrival Cities across Asia” Conference, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, August 20-21. 2022 Rereading Franck Billé; Reframing the Making of Identity at the Margins. Paper given at “What is Hua, Sinophone Borderland, the Interactions at the Edges” Conference, Sinophone Borderlands Project, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, November 2-4. 【Invited Lectures and Seminar Talks】 1984 重新思考Lineage Theory与中国社会,中央研究院民族学研究所演讲,1月3日。(Rethinking Lineage Theory and Chinese Society. Lecture given at Institute of Ethnology, Academia, Taipei, Taiwan, January 3) 1985 The Myth of Population Determinism and Population Possibilism in Anthropology. Paper presented at the Anthropology Department, National Taiwan University, Taipei, May 20. 1986 香港新界在二十世纪的土地革命,中央研究院民族学研究所演讲,10月4日。(The Land Revolution in 20th Century Hong Kong. Lecture given at the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, October 4) 1987 Millenarian Movements as an Expression of Social Protest: Reflections on the Nature of Peasant Society in Southeast Asia. Paper presented at the Sociology Department, National University of Singapore, December 13. 1988 The Changing Times of a Village Temple Alliance System in the Northern New Territories of Hong Kong: An Analysis of a Tin Hou Cult. Paper presented at the Hong Kong Anthropological Society, Kowloon, June 27. 1990 Rewriting Kinship and Locality in New Territories of Hong Kong. Talk in Anthropology Department, University of California, Berkeley, February 6. 1990 “Enlightened” Colonialism and the Meaning of Tradition/Modernity in 20th Century Hong Kong. Lecture delivered at the Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, February 7. 1991 Textual Knowledge in the Construction of Ritual Practice: Authority and Etiquette in Chinese Village Handbooks of Domestic Rites. Paper given in Anthropology Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 29. 1993 Cultural Discourse, Ethnic Consciousness and National Identity, or the Modern Meaning of “Chineseness”. Paper read at the Institute of Literature, National Tsinghua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, August 30. 1994 Space of Culture, Terror of State: The Evolution of Public Spheres in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. Talk given in Anthropology Department, University of Adelaide, May 10. 1995 中国文化三吃:试探台湾、香港和新加坡的国家与文化形成,中央研究院民族学研究所演讲,3月4日。(Chinese Culture, Three Flavors: A Comparative Exploration of State and Cultural Formation in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore). Lecture given at the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, March 4) 1997 World Music, Cultural Heteroglossia and Indigenous Capital: Overlapping Frequencies in the Emergence of Cosmopolitanism in Taiwan. Paper read at Edith Cowan University, Centre for Asian Communication, Media and Cultural Studies, Perth, September 27. 1998-9 From Culture to Power (and Back): The Many ‘Faces’ of Mianzi, Guanxi, and Renqing. Lecture given at Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur L’Asie Orientale, L’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, June 17 (talks also given at Australian National University (RSPAS), Beloit College (Anthropology Department), Goldsmiths College (Anthropology Department), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Humanities Division), Monash University (Centre of East Asian Studies), National Taiwan University (Anthropology Department), National University of Singapore (Sociology Department), SOAS London China Seminar, University of California, Santa Barbara (Anthropology Department), University of Chicago (Center for Far Eastern Studies), University of Edinburgh (Centre for Chinese Studies), University of Hawaii (Center for Chinese Studies), and University of Helsinki (Anthropology Department)). 2000 The Growth of Internet Communities in Taiwan and the Marginalization of the Public Sphere. Lecture given at Centre of Communication and Information Sciences, University of Westminster, October 11 (similar talk given at University of Central England). 2001 The Facts, Fictions and Coming Frictions of Multiculturalism in “Transnational” Taiwan. Lecture given at the London China Seminar, SOAS, February 15 (similar talks also given at University of Hawaii (Anthropology Department), Leiden University (Centre for Chinese Studies), and University of Durham (Political Science Department)). 2001 Unstructuring Colonialism. Lecture given at the Institute of the Malay World and Civilization, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Bangi, March 8. 2002 Unstructuring Anthropology: A Hong Kong Example. Lecture given in the Anthropology Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, February 22. 2002 Hong Kong “Identity” after the End of History. Lecture given in Sociology Department, University of Essex, February 14 (similar talk given at University of Nottingham). 2002 社会为甚么要有系统?中央研究院民族学研究所演讲,10/14。(Why Must Society Have a System? Lecture given at the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, October 14) 2002 The Disciplinary Divide: Is There a Bottom Line in Cultural Studies? Lecture given at the Center for Cultural Studies, University of Pittsburgh, November 7 (similar talks given at University of Hong Kong (Centre of Cultural Studies), RMIT, Melbourne (The Globalism Institute), and U.C. Santa Cruz (Center for Cultural Studies)). 2003 Who Wants to Be Diasporic? Lecture given at the Southeast Asian Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong, April 30. 2004 The Facts and Fictions of British Colonialism in the New Territories of Hong Kong. Talk given in the Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Beijing University, September 25. 2006 What Happened to “Greater China”? Changing Geopolitics in the China Triangle. Lecture given at Center of International Studies, Macalester College, St. Paul, MN, April 25. 2007 On the Geopolitics of Identity. Lecture given at Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race, Columbia University, February 8 (similar talks given at McGill University (Center for East Asian Research), Cornell University (Anthropology Department), SOAS London Taiwan Seminar, UCLA (Research Group on Culture, Power and Social Change) and University of Sydney (Department of Chinese Studies)). 2007 The Postcolonial Alien in Us All: Identity in the Global Division of Intellectual Labor. Lecture given at Comparative Literature Department (co-sponsored with Center for Asian Studies and Center for Ethnography), UC Irvine, March 7 (similar talk given at the Asia-Europe Institute, University of Malaya). 2007-8 On the Geopolitical and Discursive Origins of Cosmopolitanism in Hong Kong. Lecture at Contemporary China Research Center, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, November 29 (similar talks given at Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore; Modern China Seminar, University of Hong Kong). 2011-4 Diaspora as Mind: Making Sense of the Experiences of the Japanese Silent Minority in Postwar Taiwan. Lecture sponsored by Department of Anthropology, Stanford University, April 7 (similar talks given at Division of Cultural Studies, Yonsei University; Institute of Japanese Studies, Seoul National University; Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Duke University; Taiwan Research Programme, London School of Economics; Center for Chinese Studies, University of Hawaii). 2013-4 Waiting for Post-Colonialism, Still. Lecture given at Institute for Culture and Society, University of Western Sydney, July 25 (similar talks given at Contemporary China Centre, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Department of Communication, University of Macau, Sociology Department, University of Hong Kong and Anthropology Department, University of Bergen). 2014 From Greater China to GREATER CHINA: Changing Transnational Spaces of a Political Cultural Economy. Lecture given at University of Colorado, Denver, December 8. 2015-7 Forget Chineseness: On the Geopolitics of Identification. Lecture given in the Programme of Humanities and Creative Writing, Hong Kong Baptist University, October 15 (similar talks given at Department of Cultural Studies, Hong Kong Lingnan University; School of Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne; Center for China in the World, Australian National University; Department of Government and Public Administration, University of Macau; Anthropology Department, University of Hawaii; Asia Institute, UCLA; 21st Century China Center, UCSD; Monk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto; Sinophone Borderlands Project, Palacký University, Czech Republic. 2017 Diasporic Identification as Situated Process: Rethinking a Disciplinary Mind-field. Talk given at Department of Anthropology, UCLA, January 19. 2018 On the Geopragmatics of Cultural Identification. Talk given at Macquarie University, Department of Anthropology, Sydney, June 7. 2018 The State as Signifying Apparatus and its Unseen Presence: An Unlikely Extension of Subaltern Studies and Postcolonial Theory. Talk given at El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios de Asia y África (COLMEX), August 17. 2019 From Societies of Control to the Political Economy of Protocol: Modulation and Dividualization as Algorithmic Regulatory Processes. Seminar at Institute for Culture and Society, University of Western Sydney, June 11. 2019 Social Visibility and Political Invisibility: Education in the Construction of Nationalist Identity in Taiwan. Talk given at Faculty of Education, University of Sydney, June 12. 2022 Chineseness between the Cultural and Political: Is it Possible for Social Scientists to Be Objective about it? Talk given at Department of Politics and Society, University of Aalborg, April 4 (similar talk given at Sinophone Borderlands Project, Palacký University). 2022 Taste in the Making / Cooking at the Core: Cuisine as Practical Regime / Social Formation. Talk given at Sinophone Borderlands Project, Palacký University, April 20. 2022 From Social Visibility to Political Invisibility: The Ethnography of a School in Nationalist Taiwan. Talk given at Taiwan Research Programme, London School of Economics, May 2 (similar talk given at Chinese Studies Programme, Monash University; Centre for China in the World, Australian National University; Department of Comparative Literature Center for the Study of Globalization and Cultures, Hong Kong University). 【Book Reviews and Translations】 1997 Book review of David Faure and Helen F. Siu eds. (1996) Down to Earth: The Territorial Bond in South China, Cambridge University Press, in China Information 11(2-3): 232-34. 1998 Book review of Aihwa Ong and Donald M. Nonini eds. (1996) Ungrounded Empires: The Cultural Politics of Modern Chinese Transnationalism, New York: Routledge, in American Journal of Sociology 103(5): 1450-53. 2001 English translation of Sun Ge, “Globalization and Cultural Difference: Thoughts on the Situation of Trans-Cultural Knowledge” (孙歌着,全球化与文化差异:对于跨文化知识状况的思考 (Chinese)), in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 2(2): 261-75. 2002 Book review of Nirmala S. PuruShotam (1998) Negotiating Language, Constructing Race: Disciplining Difference in Singapore, New York: Mouton de Gruyter, in Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science 30(2): 452-54. 2003 Book Review of Thomas Gold et al eds. (2002) Social Connections in China: Institutions, Culture, and the Changing Nature of Guanxi, Cambridge University Press, in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 67(1): 228-30. 2004 An Anthropologist Caught in SARS Hysteria. Anthropology News (February), pp.10-11. 2005 Book Review of Arif Dirlik and Zhang Xudong eds. (2000) Postmodernism & China, Durham: Duke University Press, in Theory Culture & Society 22(2): 141-44. 2005 Book Review of K.C. Ho, R. Kluver & C.C. Yang eds. (2003) Asia.com: Asia Encounters the Internet, London: RoutledgeCurzon, in Cyberculture Studies (September). 2006 Book Review of Steve Tsang (2004) A Modern History of Hong Kong: 1841-1997, London: I.B. Tauris, in East Asia: An International Quarterly 23(1): 86-88. 2012 Book Review of David Y.H. Wu and Sidney Cheung eds. (2002) The Globalization of Chinese Food, in Bijiao: China in Comparative Perspective 2: 1-3. 2012 Ethnoscapes. In Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, ed. George Ritzer. 2014 Book Review of Schubert, Gunter and Jens Damm eds. (2011) Taiwanese Identity in the Twenty-first Century: Domestic, Regional and Global Perspectives, in Journal of International and Global Studies 5(2): 156-57. 2018 Clan and Lineage Organization. In Encyclopedia of Chinese History, ed. Michael Dillon. 2020 Book Review of Ip Iam-chong (2019) Hong Kong’s New Identity Politics: Longing for the Local in the Shadow of China, in Postcolonial Studies, https://doi.org/10.1080/13688790.2020.1735439. 【Conferences and Activities Organized】 Interdisciplinary Seminar Series on the Anthropology of China, Anthropology Department, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University (weekly workshop presentations), March to June 1994. Colonialism and Its Discontents: An Interdisciplinary Forum, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, July 8-9, 1997 (published as special issue in Cultural Studies 14(3-4)). State Fictions, Postnational Realities: On Cultural Sociology of Violence, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, June 29-30, 1999 (see special issue in Communal/Plural 9(1)). (with H. Evans) Diasporas of Mind / Dilemmas of Culture / Diverging Identities: The Changing Geopolitics of Contemporary Chinese Societies, Centre for the Study of Democracy, University of Westminster, London, January 21-23, 2000. New Cultural Formations in an Era of Transnational Globalization, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, October 6-7, 2001 (see special issue in Social Analysis 46(2)). Blurred Boundaries: Rethinking ‘Culture’ in the Context of Interdisciplinary Practices, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, December 13-14, 2003. Culture in Context: Pragmatics, Industries, Technologies, Geopolitics, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, September 16-17, 2006. The Future of Ethnographic Practices, co-sponsored by Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, and Anthropology Department, National Chinan University, Puli, Taiwan, June 2-3, 2007. The Unthinkable—Thinking Beyond the Limits of Culture, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, December 13-14, 2008. Anthropology Futures, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, June 12-13, 2010. Culture as Critical Theory, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, September 30 – October 1, 2012. Hong Kong Betwixt and Between, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, May 31 – June 1, 2014. One Belt, One Road and the Globalization of China’s Political Economy, International Center for Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University, October 3, 2019. Egalitarianism and Inequality: A Theoretical & Cross-Cultural Dialogue, International Center for Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University, January 7, 2020. Governmentality and the Neoliberal “Order” in China, International Center for Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, October 11, 2021. Sinophobia in the New Rise of China, International Center for Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, October 11, 2022. 【Academic Consultancies and Editorial Memberships】 International Advisory Board Member: Sinophone Borderlands Project, Palacký University, Czech Republic; Centre for Asian Communication, Media and Cultural Studies, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia; Department of Comparative American Cultures, Washington State University. Executive Board Member: Research Committee on Social Theory RC16, International Sociological Association (2006-2010). Professorial Fellow: Globalism Research Institute, RMIT University, Melbourne (2002-2014). Member of Editorial Board: Social Analysis, University College, London; global-e, University of California, Santa Barbara; Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, National Taiwan Normal University, English Department; East Asian Journal of Popular Culture, Intellect; Asia-Europe: Journal of Economy, Politics and Society, Asia-Europe Institute, University of Malaya; Times Academic Press (Marshall Cavendish International); Past: Communal/Plural: Journal of Transnational and Crosscultural Studies, Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney; Culture & Policy, Centre for Cultural Policy Studies, Griffith University. 【Reviewer for Journals and Presses】 American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist, American Journal of Sociology, Anthropological Theory, ARIEL (Review of International English Literature), Asian Journal of Social Science, Asian Studies Review, Asiatische Studien, Australian Journal of Anthropology, boundary 2, Brill, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, China in Comparative Perspective, China Information, China Journal, China Perspectives, Chinese Studies, City & Community, Concentric, Critical Asian Studies, Cultural Anthropology, Current Anthropology, Cyberculture Studies, East Asia International Quarterly, East Asian Journal of Popular Culture, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Global Public Health, Hong Kong University Press, Identities, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, International Journal of Cultural Studies, International Political Sociology, Issues & Studies, Journal of Asian Studies, Journal of Behavioral History, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, Journal of Historical Geography, Journal of Historical Sociology, Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Journal of International and Global Studies, Journal of Ritual Studies, Late Imperial China, Localities, Modern Asian Studies, Modern China, Museum and Society, Nations and Nationalisms, Palgrave Macmillan, Planning Theory, Postcolonial Studies, Routledge, Rowman & Littlefield, Social Analysis, Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science, Space and Society, SUNY Press, Taiwan Radical Quarterly, Taiwan Journal of Anthropology, Theory & Psychology, Theory Culture & Society, Third World Quarterly, Tsinghua Review, Verge. 【Long Term Research Projects】 Changing Conceptions of Land, Kinship and Community in a "Traditional” Hakka Village, Hong Kong. Primary field and archival research conducted from 10/82-11/83 with additional work done in 1984. Culminated in writing of Ph.D. thesis awarded in 1985 and several journal publications. Ritual Etiquette Handbooks in the Making of Local Customary Traditions. Based on primary material collected in Hong Kong. Sponsored by The Chinese Popular Culture Project, U.C. Berkeley with a one-year fellowship followed by a three-year grant (10/89-9/92) from National Science Council (Taiwan). Resulted in journal publication and several working papers. The Fictions of Colonial Policy and the Changing Realities of "Land” in the New Territories of Hong Kong. Revision of part of Ph.D. thesis, funded by Center for Chinese Studies, U.C. Berkeley with one-year fellowship. Monograph published in 2000. The State as Cultural Formation: On the Anthropology of Public Culture. Funded by three-year grant (12/90-11/93) from National Science Council (Taiwan). Study coincided with East-West Center project on cultural policy and national identity. Resulted in various journal publications. Indigenizing and Globalizing Processes in the Emergence of New Asian Public Spheres: A Postcolonial Approach to Culture. Three-year grant (08/95-07/98) from National Science Council. Internet Communities and Emerging Public Spheres. Two-year project with a grant (08/99-07/01) from National Science Council. Research and publications ongoing. Christianity and Cultural Indigenization: The Role of the Presbyterian Church in the Making of Taiwanese Identity. Two-year grant (08/02-07/04) from National Science Council. Transnationalizing and Indigenizing Processes in the Emergence of Western Popular Music Culture in Taiwan: An Ethnohistorical Study of ICRT Radio. Two-year grant (08/05-07/07) from National Science Council. Resulted in various journal publications. The Japanese Diaspora in Postwar Taiwan: Narrative Constructions of the Social and Historical Experiences of a Silent Minority. Three-year grant (08/08-07/11) from National Science Council. Comparative Colonialisms: Governmentality in British Hong Kong and Japanese Era Taiwan. Two-year grant (08/12-07/14) from National Science Council. Resulted in journal publications. Web 2.0 as a Kind of Social Factory. Two-year grant (08/14-07/16) from Ministry of Science and Technology. Resulted in supervised doctoral thesis and working papers. From Three Principles Education to National Identity: Socialization as Hegemonic Formation. Two-year grant (08/17-07/19) from Ministry of Science and Technology. Book forthcoming. Geopragmatics of Identification in GREATER China. Two-year grant (08/19-07/21) from Ministry of Science and Technology. Research and publications ongoing. |
主要教授课程 | Culture and Society (2nd year): 1986-87, 1987-88. Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (1st year): 1986-87, 1987-88. History of Anthropological Thought (honors): 1987-88. Chinese Kinship and Social Organization (graduate seminar): 1987, 1989. Contemporary Anthropological Theory (graduate core): 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992. Culture, Hermeneutics and Writing (co-taught graduate seminar): 1995. Introduction to Contemporary Chinese Societies (co-taught graduate core): 1999, 2000. Internet as a Research Source for Contemporary Chinese Societies: 2000. Problems and Perspectives in Cultural Studies (co-taught graduate core): 1999, 2000, 2003-22. Cultural Studies: Methods and Practices (co-taught graduate core): 2004-05. The Nation-State as Historical-Cultural Formation (graduate lecture): 1991, 1992, 1999, 2003-22. Transnationalism and Culture (graduate seminar): 2005-6, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2020. Ethnicity, Culture, Identity (graduate lecture): 2008-09, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021. Colonialism & Postcoloniality: Historical-Comparative Perspectives (graduate seminar) 2007-22. The “Birth” of “Contemporary” Cultural Studies (graduate seminar): 2011, 2013-15. Food, Taste and Cuisine as Cultural Regimes (graduate seminar): 2017. Chinese Cultures, Societies and Histories on the Periphery (graduate seminar): 2022. |
论文指导 |
【 Students Supervised and Thesis Topics】 Kwek, Ivan, 1988, On Time, On Discipline: The Case in a Routine of Care. B.A. honors thesis, Sociology Department, National University of Singapore. Lin Khay-thiong, 1992, National Formation, Cultural Indigenization and Ethnic Identity: An Analysis of the Chinese Language Movement in Early 20th Century Malaysia. M.A. thesis, Institute of Sociology and Anthropology, National Tsinghua University. Yang Tsung-rong, 1992, Cultural Construction and National Identity: “Sinicization” in Postwar Taiwan. MA thesis, Institute of Sociology & Anthropology, National Tsinghua University. Jung Shao-wu, 1993, The Other, Epistemic Violence and Post-Colonial Imagination: Reinterpreting “The Native’s Point of View” in Light of the Work of Michael Taussig. M.A. thesis, Institute of Sociology and Anthropology, National Tsinghua University. Wang Su-yen, 1993, The Sociological Vision of the Annales School as Reflected in Marc Bloch’s Feudal Society. M.A. thesis, Institute of Sociology and Anthropology, National Tsinghua University. Li Wen-hua, 1994, Making Culture: The Role of Cultural Centers in the State’s Promotion of Local Culture and History. M.A. thesis, Institute of Sociology and Anthropology, National Tsinghua University. Hsiao Hsiu-ling, 1994, Narrative Construction in the New Ethnography: A View of Renato Rosaldo’s Approach to Culture. M.A. thesis, Institute of Sociology and Anthropology, National Tsinghua University. Liu Shao-hua, 1994, Decolonization and the Construction of Subjectivity: Aboriginal Writers, Historiography and Power. M.A. thesis, Institute of Sociology and Anthropology, National Tsinghua University. Cheng Jia-lu, 1995, The Construction and Archivalization of Tradition: A Case Study of the Conception and Formation of Lukang’s Historical Preservation Village. M.A. thesis, Institute of Sociology and Anthropology, National Tsinghua University. Cheng, Luke, 2000, Territorialization of Cyberspace: The Domain Name System of the Internet, M.A. thesis, Centre for the Study of Democracy, University of Westminster. Hsieh Jia-yu, 2005, The Cultural Economy, Consumption Patterns and Lifestyle Practices of Taiwan’s 7-11 Convenience Stores. M.A. thesis, Institute of Social and Cultural Research, National Chiao Tung University. Erpelo, Rosalinda N., 2008, Maganda ka ba? From Sex Object to Powerful Women: A Look at Posing in Lad Magazines. M.A. thesis, Institute of Social and Cultural Research, National Chiao Tung University. Wang Wei-zi, 2010, On the Periphery of the Empire: The Formation of Cultural Rule and Colonial Society in Early Japanese Colonial Taiwan, Ph.D. thesis, Institute of Social and Cultural Research, National Chiao Tung University. Lin Fang-ju, 2011, The Identity Crises of Burmese Overseas Chinese Students in 1990s Taiwan, M.A. thesis, Institute of Social and Cultural Research, National Chiao Tung University. Ma Hsin, 2012, Transnationalism in a Changing Muslim Mosque Community in Lunggang, M.A. thesis, Institute of Social and Cultural Research, National Chiao Tung University. Chen You-tang, 2013, Sun Yat-sen’s Three Principles of the People and Its Institutionalization in Taiwan — A Cultural Critique, M.A. thesis, Institute of Social and Cultural Research, National Chiao Tung University. Grzegorzewski, Michal, 2014, Crafting Spaces: Strategies and Types of Transnational Expatriates in Taiwan, Ph.D. thesis, Institute of Social and Cultural Research, National Chiao Tung University. Kraus, Filip, 2016, Colonial Prostitution and Sexuality as a Dispositive of Biopower? Ph.D. thesis, Institute of Social and Cultural Research, National Chiao Tung University. Cheung, Iris, 2021, The Diverse Meanings of “Post-colonial” Discourse in the Emergence of Social Movements in Post-1997 Hong Kong, Ph.D. thesis, Institute of Social and Cultural Research, National Chiao Tung University. Chiang Ming-shan, 2022, Cultural Governance and Agency in National Museums: A Case Study of the National Museum of Taiwan History, Ph.D. thesis, Institute of Social and Cultural Research, National Chiao Tung University. |