International Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, University System of Taiwan (IACS-UST), 2014 Spring Curriculum春季班课程共28门,以下*英语授课共四门 * 双语授课共一门
Core Course
课程名称Course Title | 学分Credits | 授课教师Instructor | 时间Time | 地点Venue | Note |
论文写作与研究方法Thesis Writing and Methodology | 3 |
何春蕤 Josephine Ho |
THU, 14:00-17:00 |
NCU文院一馆 A105 |
Research Methodology and Thesis Writing(择一) |
社会学方法论Anthropological Methodology | 3 |
姚人多 YAO, JEN-TO |
TUE, 14:20-17:20 |
NTHU Hss C306 |
Research Methodology and Thesis Writing(择一) |
人类学方法论Thesis Writing and Methodology | 3 |
李威宜 LEE, WEI-I |
TUE, 14:20-17:20 |
NTHU Hss C304 |
Research Methodology and Thesis Writing(择一) |
英语课程English Course Title | 学分Credits | 授课教师Instructor | 时间Time | 地点Venue | Research cluster |
*法与势:激进思想探源 Law and Propensity of Things: Genealogy of Radical Thinking |
3 |
刘纪蕙 Joyce C.H. Liu |
MON,13:30-14:30 |
NCTU HA2 Building 106A |
Critical Theory and Asian Modernity |
*亚洲现代思想资源:Ashis Nandy Sources of Modern Asian Thought: Ashis Nandy |
3 |
陈光兴 Kuan-Hsing Chen |
TUE, 13:30-14:30 |
NCTU HA2 Building 106A |
Critical Theory and Asian Modernity、Contemporary Thought-trends and Social Movements |
*动漫研究 anime and manga |
3 | Earl Jackson | FRI,9:00-12:00 |
NCTU HA2 Building F205 |
Critical Theory and Asian Modernity / Visual Culture |
*新自由主义与性政治 Neoliberalism and Sexuality |
3 | 白瑞梅Amie Parry | MON,09:00-12:00 |
NCU文院二馆 C2-437 |
Gender/Sexuality, Contemporary Thought-trends and Social Movements |
双语课程 Bilingual Course | 学分Credits | 授课教师Instructor | 时间Time | 地点Venue | Note |
*东亚生态:过去与现在 Ecology in East Asia: Past and Present |
3 |
钟月岑 Juliette Yueh-tsen Chung |
MON,14:20-17:20 | NTHU人社B413 | Contemporary Thought-trends and Social Movements, Critical Theory and Asian Modernity |
中文课程名称Course Title | 学分Credits | 授课教师Instructor | 时间Time | 地点Venue | Note |
国家形成与文化建构Nation-States in Interdisciplinary, Cross-Cultural Perspective | 3 |
陈奕麟 Allen Chen |
WED,18:30-21:30 |
NCTU HA2 Building 106A |
Critical Theory and Asian Modernity |
台湾社会与文化史 Social-Cultural history of Taiwan |
3 | 邱德亮Der-Liang Chiou | THU, 13:30-14:30 |
NCTU HA2 Building 106A |
Critical Theory and Asian Modernity |
中国近代思想史专题 Seminar on Modern Chinese Intellectual History |
3 | 蓝弘岳Hung-Yueh Lan | THU, 10:00-13:00 |
NCTU HA2 Building 106A |
Critical Theory and Asian Modernity |
现代作家专题:赵树理与孙犁Seminar on Modern Chinese Writers: Zhao Shuli and Sun Li | 3 |
彭明伟 Ming-Wei Peng |
WED, 10:00-13:00 |
NCTU HA2 Building 106A |
Critical Theory and Asian Modernity |
电影与戏剧研究 Film and Theater Studies |
3 |
段馨君 Iris Hsin-Chun Tuan |
TUE,13:30-16:30 | NCTU图书馆视听中心 | Critical Theory and Asian Modernity/ Visual Culture |
消费社会与流行文化 | 3 |
张玉佩 Yu-Pei Chang |
THU, 13:30-16:30 | NCTU, HK(客家学院)206 | Critical Theory and Asian Modernity |
网络空间与网络社群 | 3 |
郭良文 Wen-Liang Kuo |
FRI, 13:30-16:30 |
NCTU HA2 Building,F216 |
Critical Theory and Asian Modernity |
农工重组与城乡再造:公民社会的实践 Restructuring the Agricultural-Industrial and the Urban-Rural Complex |
3 | 李丁讚LII, DING-TZANN | MON,14:20-17:20 | NTHU人社C306 | Contemporary Thought-trends and Social Movements |
发展专题──理论与东亚经验 | 3 |
吴介民 Jieh-Min Wu |
THU, 14:20-17:20 | 清大社会所/NTHU |
Contemporary Thought-trends and Social Movements Critical Theory and Asian Modernity |
台湾剧作家与作品专题 Taiwanese Playwrights and Their Works |
3 |
THU, 9:00-12:00 |
NTHU Hss C507 |
Contemporary Thought-trends and Social Movements |
鲁迅小说研究 Topics on Lu Hsun's Fiction |
3 |
MON, 12:10-13:10 |
NTHU Hss B302A |
Contemporary Thought-trends and Social Movements |
性/别理论专题V Theories of Gender/Sexuality V |
3 | 甯应斌Ning Yin-Bin | TUE,14:00-17:00 |
NCU文院二馆 C2-439 |
Gender/Sexuality, Contemporary Thought-trends and Social Movements |
当代中国思想 Contemporary Chinese Thought |
3 | 甯应斌 Ning Yin-Bin | THU,14:00-17:00 |
NCU文院二馆 C2-439 |
Contemporary Thought-trends and Social Movements |
文化研究概论 Introduction to Cultural Studies |
3 |
黄道明 Hans Huang |
TUE,14:00-17:00 |
NCU文院二馆 C2-437 |
Gender/Sexuality |
多元文化主义研究 Seminar on Multiculturalism |
3 |
蔡芬芳 Fen-Fang Tsai |
TUE,09:00-12:00 | NCU HK301 | Gender/Sexuality |
客家妇女专题 Seminar on Hakka Women |
3 |
蔡芬芳 Fen-Fang Tsai |
WED,14:00-17:00 | NCU HK301 | Gender/Sexuality |
东南亚客家族群经济发展 Hakka Ethnic Economics in Southeast Asia |
3 |
张翰璧 Han-Bi Chang |
MON,14:00-17:00 | NCU HK301 | Critical Theory and Asian Modernity |
现当代视觉文化中的身体与扮装 | 3 |
刘瑞琪 Jui-Ch’i Liu |
WED,13:20-16:20 | NYMU | 视觉文化 Visual Culture |
近代博物馆与展示文化 | 3 |
黄桂莹 Kuei-Ying Huang |
THU,15:30-18:20 | NYMU | 视觉文化 Visual Culture |
欧洲近代早期视觉文化专题 | 3 |
叶嘉华 Chia-Hua Yeh |
TUE,13:20-16:20 | NYMU | 视觉文化 Visual Culture |