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- Cross Campus Credit Program
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- Publication
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Spout Project
- Mission and Objectives
The Politics of Memory and the Craft of Governance: Inter-Asian Studies on State, Society, Ethnicity and History
- Dis/Re-located People’s War Experiences and the Postwar Politics of Memory
- Empire of Hygiene and the Popularization Movement of Science: From the Late Qing to the Republic of China (1873-1945)
- Sinology and the Political Thoughts of Modern East Asia: Nationalism and the World Order
- Study Abroad in the Motherland: Taiwanese Literary Youths in the Left-wing Cultural Corridor (1920-1937)
- Narrating the 1970s: Literary Debates, Everyday Life, and Politics of Memory
- Class That Matters: Colonial Economy, Empire Culture and the Critical Perspective of Taiwanese Nativist Literature
- Cultural Governance and Politics of Memory in the Heritagization of Popular Religion
- Classifying Historical Memories: A Political-Economic Analysis of the World Heritage Application and the National Identity Construction in Southeast Asian Countries
- Cultural Politics in the Representation of Immigrants: A Comparative Study of Migration Museums in Different Countries in the World-System
- The History Problem, Politics of Memory and Heritage-Making, and the Road Toward Reconciliation in Asia: Perspectives from the Peripheries of Empires
- Here and Now at Malaya: Revisiting the 1948 Debate on the Uniqueness of Chinese Malayan literature
- On National Economics and the Essays of Park Hyun-chae: Using Nativist Literature Debate in Taiwan as a Referent Point
- The Negative of an Era: A Study in Narratives by and about Chen Yingzhen
- The Association of “Love”: Tongxingai and Socialism
The Ongoing Shadow of Post/Cold War Cultures on Inter-Asia Knowledge Decolonization
- Towards Decolonizing Cold War Gender/Sexuality Knowledge
- Discrepant Cosmopolitanisms: Bandung, Formosa, and the Asian 1950s
- An Oral History of the Vietnamese “Refugees” in Taiwan
- The Theatrical Knowledge and Artistic Production during the Cold War Globalisation in Taiwan
- The Production of Gender/Sexual Discourses and The Fantasy of Theory: On the Case of Boys' Love Studies
- The History of Se: the epistemology of Nanse and Sexual Modernity in East Asia
The Emerging Political Economy of the 21st Century: The New Rise of China, Neoliberalism, and Neocolonialism
- The Crisis of Identity Politics in the Rise of a New Greater China: Its Historical Formation and Future Possibilities
- The Integration of Neoliberalism and Neocolonialism: the Morphological Analysis of China’s Cultural Go Out Policy
- Twenty-first Century Revival of Confucianism and the Restructuring of Political and Economic Security System in East and Southeast Asia
- China-Africa Relations and the Moral Politics of Geopolitical Imaginaries
- Struggle of Memory and the Exit Phase of Revolutionary Regimes: A Comparative Analysis of Soviet Union, China, and Iran
- Memory As Is: Politics of Colonial Memories in Taiwan and South Korea Compared
- The Media Aesthetics of Logistics: Belt-Road Network and the Audiovisual Resistance of Southeast Asia
- Miming Memes through the Waterways: The coded bodily communications in Hong Kong and beyond
Aging Modernity, Reconfiguration of Urban Space, Migration and Subalternity
- Heterotopia: Revisiting Hsinchu Industrial Park&Neighborhood
- The Institutions, Networks and Space Shaping of Transnational Labor Migration
- The New Frontier: Assembling a Technopolis in Taiwan
- Aging Modernity
- Technologies of Modernity: Road Infrastructure in Indigenous Remote Area
- Subalternity and Social Invisibility
Toward a Society of Equality and Coexistence in the Inter-Asian Context: Civic Participation, Legal Reform, Social and Artistic Intervention, Trans-local Free Association
- Trans-local Network, Civic Participation, and Re-construction of Community
- Migrant Worker’s Rights, Law Consultation and Trans-local Connection
- A Study on Gender Wage Discrimination─Focus on Equal Pay for Equal Work and Work of Equal Value
- Alterity, Negativity, Artistic Intervention, and World-Making
- Interrogative Design as Art Intervention in Society
- The Predicament of Community and Unequal Citizenship
- The Reflexive Sound Scene: Soundscape Writing and Discourse Archaeology in Sensory Ethnography
- The Theatrical Knowledge and Artistic Production during the Cold War Globalisation in Taiwan
- The Institutions, Networks and Space Shaping of Transnational Labor Migration
- Anti-China rhetorics in Taipei Times in the context of the agitation in Hong Kong and of the coronavirus epidemic or : LTI revisited
- The Media Aesthetics of Logistics: Belt-Road Network and the Audiovisual Resistance of Southeast Asia
- The politicizing roles of irregular migrant diasporas and the ‘ambiguous’ concept of citizenship in modern democratic nations in Asia
- From Cold War to Post-Cold War: Artistic and Socio-Historical Comparisons between Taiwan and Philippines (1970s to 1990s)