SRCS Wednesday Lecture:2017/06/07_14:00-16:00_Pro.Benny Lim【後現代自我反思劇】

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2017年6月7日 (三) 14:00-16:00
講者:林國偉‧香港中文大學文化及宗教研究系 助理教授
過去16年指導和監製過的戲劇以及藝術節達70餘項。2005至2009年期間曾於新加坡發起藝術教育活動, 在短短四年內,遍及全新加坡一半的中小學生人口。過去16年來也維持了新加坡紀錄大全封的‘最年輕藝術總監’稱號。
Benny Lim 
Benny graduated with a MFA in Arts Management from Libera Accademia di Belle Arti (Italy), as well as a PhD from the Drama division of University of Glamorgan (UK). He is currently an Assistant Professor with the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies as well as the Associate Director of the M.A. in Cultural Management Programme, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Concurrently, he is a Fellow of Morningside College, and sits on the college’s Dining and Residence Committee. Between 2010 and 2013, he was the Head of School of Communication and Creative Arts of KDU University College (Malaysia), setting the direction of the school and leading a team of more than 30 people, including Heads of Department, Lecturers and Administrators.
Benny has been invited to present lectures relevant to Cultural Management/ Cultural Studies in a number of universities, including, Peking University, Beijing Dance Academy, National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Singapore Management University, National University of Theatre and Film in Burcharest, and Harvard University etc. In 2015, he developed the first certificate programme in Performing Arts Events Management for the Macau government. The programme took in its first intake in April 2016. Benny is also currently a review panel member of Lingnan University Community College’s Associate Degree Programmes in Arts as well as a Committee Member for the Design of the Auditorium and Concert Hall for CUHK (Shenzhen).
Over the last 16 years, Benny has directed and produced over 70 theatre productions and arts festivals. Between 2005 and 2009, he initiated a series of drama education programmes in Singapore and reached out to half the students’ population in the country. He has also held on to the title as the ‘Youngest Artistic Director of a Theatre Company’ in the Singapore Book of Records since 2001. 