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Social Practice and Artistic Production

(Social Practice and Artistic Production)


    The aim of this course is to offer a “Maker Space,” in the spirit of Capstone Course, to assist students to synthesize their learnings from different classes and to incorporate the methodologies and techniques we offer in this class, to accomplish their own project, basing on their own problematics, through social practice and artistic production.
    We encourage our students to anchor their projects on contemporary social issues, such as migration (migrant workers, foreign spouse, statelessness), cross-strait relations, leftist tradition in Asia, complex histories of colonialism and decolonization in Asia, war experience, contemporary political-economic-cultural and social changes, neoliberalism and development, environmental pollution, land justice, aboriginal rights, agricultural and food autonomy, gender equality, class issues, and so on. Each semester, we will re-adjust the focus of our concentration according to the participation of students.
    This course is divided into three parts: (1) methodologies: archival research, field work, techniques of interviews, oral history, reportage, ethnography; (2) techniques of production: the making of documentary, multi-media curation, in-depth news report; (3) local NGOs: including human rights organization, aboriginal group, global citizen foundation, migrant fisherman union, and so on. The objective of the arrangement of these lectures and activities is to enable students to further develop their problematics and to search for ways to solve the question and to present their research result.
    Students will form their own study groups, according their problematics or research interests, so that they can discuss with one another during the process of this course. Students can choose their own forms of research production, such as ethnography, documentary, in-depth news report, multi-media curation, oral history, visual essays, and so on.


Dir. Asio Liu | Documentary Filmmaking I: Problematics

劉吉雄 | 紀錄片製作I:問題意識
— Dir. Asio Liu | Documentary Filmmaking I: Problematics

劉吉雄導演畢業於政大哲學系,後來從學術之路轉而從事紀錄片和影像工作。目前正在進行的紀錄片創作為 "例外之地 : 台灣海峽之澎湖越南難民營"。在演講中,劉導提及戲劇創作,記錄片製作與學術研究的問題意識的原理其實彼此互通。在簡報內容裡,他舉出一系列的問題如,我是誰? 我想進行的計劃是什麼? 為什麼想進行這項計劃? 在這項計劃中,我想要解決什麼「問題/困擾」? 此計劃的問題/困擾,與我內在的問題/困擾? 及至影像的展示與作者的歷史的時空局限等,予同學思考。另一方面,他提到一些在實際資料搜集過程常常遇到的問題,如檔案庫在資料保存時,容易在數位化過程讓原始資料永久流失,即數位破壞的問題。他認為資料的數位保存應多注意到解析度的流失,如在掃描紙本資料到數碼檔案,底片與錄影帶的數位化過程的檔案壓縮與格式轉換等。另他介紹到一些可供利用的資料庫平台及應用,如國家電影中心, 中央通訊社, Vietnam Film Archive, NARA美國國家檔案管理局、РГАКФД (RGAKFD) 俄國國家電影檔案館及柬埔寨Bophana Center等等。他以製作《例外之地》時,如何在當時的新聞片段尋找線索為例。



Time:1:30-4:20 p.m
Venue:106A HA Building 2,National Chiao Tung University

Organizers:International Institute for Cultural Studies,National Chiao Tung University & University System of Taiwan、Institute of Social Research and Culture Studies,NCTU、International Master's program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, University of Taiwan (IACS-UST)


Dir. Asio Liu | Documentary Filmmaking II: Production
劉吉雄 | 紀錄片製作II:影像製作
— Dir. Asio Liu | Documentary Filmmaking II: Production




Time:1:30-4:20 p.m
Venue:106A HA Building 2,National Chiao Tung University

Organizers:International Institute for Cultural Studies,National Chiao Tung University & University System of Taiwan、Institute of Social Research and Culture Studies,NCTU、International Master's program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, University of Taiwan (IACS-UST)

Prof. Chien-Hung Huan | Multi-Media and Conceptual Curation
黃建宏 | 多媒體與概念策展
Prof. Chien-Hung Huan | Multi-Media and Conceptual Curation


黃老師首先談及他以往的策展作品《NG的羅曼史》,梗畫廊,主要展示2000年左右從學院出來的一群藝術家。因受到British young artist運動的啟發,這些新的藝術家不想與以往的藝術家一起談沈重的歷史,想要有一些感性的藝術創造。這些藝術家從網路上學習,認為自己捲入了被文化殖民的狀態。他們挪用同時期外國藝術家的創作觀念,同時對之反諷。


接著,黃建宏從陳界仁的1978-1986入手,而非更多人所關注的他從1996年開始的創作,討論陳界仁的創作過程。陳界仁在1986-1987突然停止創作,直到1996年以清晰的創作思路重新出現。1978年陳界仁高中畢業,創作了他人生中第一場行為藝術,他到河邊撿石頭,回家編號,希望用這些石頭蓋房子。在這段時間,他經歷了被黃建宏稱為para-Colonial situation的狀態。這些討論構成了陳界仁在創作爆發時期的思想力量基礎。

演講的第二部分為藝術家陳暢的經驗分享。陳暢(Abby Chen)是來自美國舊金山的策展人,她介紹了以往在美國及中國各城市的策展經歷,包括一系列圍繞女性權益的展覽如「我們」(WOMEN)、集體發聲行動「我可以騷,你不能擾」等,分享了眾多有關女權政治議題的藝術計劃如何進行,以及進行過程中的反思。

Time:1:30-4:20 p.m
Venue:106A HA Building 2,National Chiao Tung University

Organizers:International Institute for Cultural Studies,National Chiao Tung University & University System of Taiwan、Institute of Social Research and Culture Studies,NCTU、International Master's program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, University of Taiwan (IACS-UST)

In-Depth Report (Public Television)

李志德|新聞深度報導 (公共電視新聞部經理)
In-Depth Report (Public Television)

李志德老師先開放提問,回答了關於「虛假新聞」、「權力媒體」、「媒體資金來源」等問題。接著,李老師講解了深度報導與純報導的區別,一個是In-depth reports,另一個是straight news。深度報導依賴知識的解釋、脈絡的勾畫、作者的主觀判斷。



Time:1:30-4:20 p.m
Venue:106A HA Building 2,National Chiao Tung University

Organizers:International Institute for Cultural Studies,National Chiao Tung University & University System of Taiwan、Institute of Social Research and Culture Studies,NCTU、International Master's program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, University of Taiwan (IACS-UST)


邱伊翎|NGO組織經驗 I:台權會

邱伊翎|NGO組織經驗 I:台權會

台權會是1984年,戒嚴時期成立的。在成立之初,已有中國人權協會,台權會以「台灣」之命,並不被戒嚴時期的國民黨政府承認。台權會早期以非法組織的型態存在。 台權會的理監事組成多為法律人,所以台權會自成立後一直關注司法人權案件。台權會自90年代末期開始討論與民進黨的關係問題。



Time:1:30-4:20 p.m
Venue:106A HA Building 2,National Chiao Tung University

Organizers:International Institute for Cultural Studies,National Chiao Tung University & University System of Taiwan、Institute of Social Research and Culture Studies,NCTU、International Master's program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, University of Taiwan (IACS-UST)


李麗華|NGO組織經驗 II:宜蘭縣漁工職業工會

李麗華|NGO組織經驗 II:宜蘭縣漁工職業工會


Time:1:30-4:20 p.m
Venue:106A HA Building 2,National Chiao Tung University

Organizers:International Institute for Cultural Studies,National Chiao Tung University & University System of Taiwan、Institute of Social Research and Culture Studies,NCTU、International Master's program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, University of Taiwan (IACS-UST)