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Media and Culture Governance


This academic program is built upon the foundations of international, intercollegiate, interfaculty, and interdisciplinary collaboration. Its fundamental concept originates from the European Union's advocacy of "media and cultural governance," which integrates cultural policy and cultural economy. Its objectives include fostering cultural diversity, promoting cultural policies, stimulating cultural creativity, and leveraging cultural intellectual property. Incorporating this concept into the academic research environment of National Chengchi University (NCCU) can effectively showcase the distinctive features of various colleges and interdisciplinary programs. For example, the College of Foreign Languages offers courses on various languages and cultures, the College of Liberal Arts offers courses on literature and history, the College of Social Sciences offers courses on political economy and ethnic issues, and the College of Communication offers courses on international communication and popular culture.

On the other hand, through the infusion of faculty and courses from the aforementioned colleges at NCCU, the main focus of this program can be broadly categorized into four major themes: historical memory, visual arts, regional integration, and international communication. The courses that can be offered under these four themes are drawn from existing program courses and courses from various colleges at our university, providing ample options for students. Additionally, this program can establish connections with international partners to invite foreign faculty to teach at NCCU or co-teach courses, conduct lectures, seminars, or workshops, and offer summer intensive credit classes to facilitate international academic exchanges and introduce the latest research topics and trends from abroad.

Research Orientation

With "media and cultural governance" as the guiding principle for program planning at NCCU, it is expected to cultivate future leaders in new media platforms and digital cultural industries. This program can elevate cultural industry creativity and quality through media technology and prepare foray into the Asia-Pacific and international markets for derivative digital cultural economic activities.