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2014 Spring Curriculum

International Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, University System of Taiwan (IACS-UST), 2014 Spring Curriculum
春季班課程共30門,以下*英語授課共四門 * 雙語授課共二門
Core Course
課程名稱Course Title 學分Credits 授課教師Instructor 時間Time 地點Venue Note
論文寫作與研究方法Thesis Writing and Methodology 3 何春蕤
Josephine Ho
THU, 14:00-17:00 NCU文院一館
Research Methodology and Thesis Writing(擇一)
社會學方法論Anthropological Methodology 3 姚人多
TUE, 14:20-17:20 NTHU
Hss C306
Research Methodology and Thesis Writing(擇一)
人類學方法論Thesis Writing and Methodology 3 李威宜
TUE, 14:20-17:20 NTHU
Hss C304
Research Methodology and Thesis Writing(擇一)
Selective Course : English /  選修:英語課程
英語課程English Course Title 學分Credits 授課教師Instructor 時間Time 地點Venue Research cluster
Law and Propensity of Things: Genealogy of Radical Thinking
3 劉紀蕙
Joyce C.H. Liu
MON,13:30-14:30 NCTU
HA2 Building 106A
Critical Theory and Asian Modernity
*亞洲現代思想資源:Ashis Nandy
Sources of Modern Asian Thought: Ashis Nandy
3 陳光興
Kuan-Hsing Chen
TUE, 13:30-14:30 NCTU
HA2 Building 106A
Critical Theory and
Asian ModernityContemporary Thought-trends and Social Movements
anime and manga
3 Earl Jackson FRI,9:00-12:00 NCTU
HA2 Building F205
Critical Theory and Asian Modernity / Visual Culture
Neoliberalism and Sexuality
3 白瑞梅Amie Parry MON,09:00-12:00 NCU文院二館
GenderSexuality, Contemporary Thought-trends and Social Movements
Selective Course : English& Chinese /  選修:雙語課程 (中英文)
雙語課程 Bilingual Course 學分Credits 授課教師Instructor 時間Time 地點Venue Note
Ecology in East Asia: Past and Present
3 鐘月岑
Juliette Yueh-tsen Chung
MON,14:20-17:20 NTHU人社B413 Contemporary Thought-trends and Social Movements, Critical Theory and Asian Modernity
Hong Kong History, Culture and Society
3 劉紀蕙Joyce C.H. Liu、林淑芬 Shu-fen Lin、彭明偉Ming-Wei Peng FRI, 13:30-16:30 NCTU
HA2 Building 106A
Critical Theory and Asian Modernity, Contemporary Thought-trends and Social Movements, Visual Culture
Selective Course : Chinese /  選修:中文課程
中文課程名稱Course Title 學分Credits 授課教師Instructor 時間Time 地點Venue Note
國家形成與文化建構Nation-States in Interdisciplinary, Cross-Cultural Perspective 3 陳奕麟
Allen Chen
WED,18:30-21:30 NCTU
HA2 Building 106A
Critical Theory and Asian Modernity
Social-Cultural history of Taiwan
3 邱德亮Der-Liang Chiou THU, 13:30-14:30 NCTU
HA2 Building 106A
Critical Theory and Asian Modernity
Seminar on Modern Chinese Intellectual History
3 藍弘岳Hung-Yueh Lan THU, 10:00-13:00 NCTU
HA2 Building 106A
Critical Theory and Asian Modernity
現代作家專題:趙樹理與孫犁Seminar on Modern Chinese Writers: Zhao Shuli and Sun Li 3 彭明偉
Ming-Wei Peng
WED, 10:00-13:00 NCTU
HA2 Building 106A
Critical Theory and Asian Modernity
Film and Theater Studies
3 段馨君
Iris Hsin-Chun Tuan
TUE,13:30-16:30 NCTU圖書館視聽中心 Critical Theory and Asian Modernity/ Visual Culture
消費社會與流行文化 3 張玉佩
Yu-Pei Chang
THU, 13:30-16:30 NCTU, HK(客家學院)206 Critical Theory and Asian Modernity
網路空間與網路社群 3 郭良文
Wen-Liang Kuo
FRI, 13:30-16:30 NCTU
HA2 Building,F216
Critical Theory and Asian Modernity
Restructuring the Agricultural-Industrial and the Urban-Rural Complex
3 李丁讚LII, DING-TZANN MON,14:20-17:20 NTHU人社C306 Contemporary Thought-trends and Social Movements
發展專題──理論與東亞經驗 3 吳介民
Jieh-Min Wu
THU, 14:20-17:20 清大社會所/NTHU Contemporary Thought-trends and Social Movements
Critical Theory and Asian Modernity
Taiwanese Playwrights and Their Works
3 石婉舜
THU, 9:00-12:00 NTHU
Hss C507
Contemporary Thought-trends and Social Movements
Topics on Lu Hsun's Fiction
3 顏健富
MON, 12:10-13:10 NTHU
Hss B302A
Contemporary Thought-trends and Social Movements
Theories of Gender/Sexuality V
3 甯應斌Ning Yin-Bin TUE,14:00-17:00 NCU文院二館
GenderSexuality, Contemporary Thought-trends and Social Movements
Contemporary Chinese Thought
3 甯應斌 Ning Yin-Bin THU,14:00-17:00 NCU文院二館
Contemporary Thought-trends and Social Movements
Introduction to Cultural Studies
3 黃道明
Hans Huang
TUE,14:00-17:00 NCU文院二館
Seminar on Multiculturalism
3 蔡芬芳
Fen-Fang Tsai
TUE,09:00-12:00 NCU HK301 GenderSexuality
Seminar on Hakka Women
3 蔡芬芳
Fen-Fang Tsai
WED,14:00-17:00 NCU HK301 GenderSexuality
Hakka Ethnic Economics in Southeast Asia
3 張翰璧
Han-Bi Chang
MON,14:00-17:00 NCU HK301 Critical Theory and Asian Modernity
Body and Masquerade in Modern and Contemporary Visual Cultures
3 劉瑞琪
Jui-Ch’i Liu
WED,13:20-16:20 NYMU Visual Culture
History of Museums and Cultures of Display, 1750-1910
3 黃桂瑩
Kuei-Ying Huang
THU,15:30-18:20 NYMU Visual Culture
Visual Cultures in Early Modern Europe
3 葉嘉華
Chia-Hua Yeh
TUE,13:20-16:20 NYMU Visual Culture
近現代中國繪畫專題研究 ()
Special Topic in Modern Chinese Painting I
3 周芳美
THU,9:00-12:00 NCU, C2-206 Visual Culture