
Graduate Year Name Thesis Title Mentor/Advisor
Graduate Year Name Thesis Title Mentor/Advisor
Graduate Year Name Thesis Title Mentor/Advisor
Graduate Year Name Thesis Title Mentor/Advisor
Graduate Year Name Thesis Title Mentor/Advisor
Graduate Year Name Thesis Title Mentor/Advisor
Graduate Year Name Thesis Title Mentor/Advisor
Graduate Year Name Thesis Title Mentor/Advisor
Graduate Year Name Thesis Title Mentor/Advisor
Graduate Year Name Thesis Title Mentor/Advisor
108 Lichuan Yang Southbound Envoys?” Cultural Governmentality of the Second Generation of New Immigrants  
  Aleksandr Galimov Representations of Sakhalin Penal Colony in a travelogue through the example of Vlas Doroshevich’s account Chiou, Der-liang Wang, Chih-ming
  Beni Hutajulu The Cold War Politics of Memory: The Indonesian Killings of 1965-66 and the Historical Formations of Political Exiles in Home  
  Chen-Chia Chang Coffee Production as a Livelihood Practice Among The Akha in Doi Mae Salong Wen-Chin Chang, Lin, Shu-Fen
107 Chun Chu Chung 2009-2011Documenting the Process of Legal Amendments Concerning Transactional Sex between Adults(2009-2011)in Taiwan ─Why Decriminalization Eventually Took the Approach of Extraterritoriality? Yin-Bin Ning
107 Célia Jacquet "Is He More of a Flower or a Cologne Man?": Populism and Queer Asian Masculinity in Shadowhunters Amie Elizabeth. Parry
106 Hanne Mia Van Regemortel The white men's burden: the role of whiteness in excluding the "Other" from Belgian society through different forms of discourse Liu, Joyce C.H.
  Hikaru Yoshida The Study of Children’s Reading Culture in Japanese Colonial Period Taiwan Der-Liang Chiou, Ding-Tzann Lii
  Huong Thi Thu Tran Sex and Civilization: The Discourse of Ai and Yin in Nam Nữ Giao Hợp Phụ Luận in Early Modern Vietnam and the Imperialist Imaginary of the Perfect Human Beings  
107 Jinmei Deng Transformation of Theatrical Troupes in the Opera Reformation of Mainland China: 1949-1965 Wang, Hsien-chun