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Scholarship and Financial Assistance

International students Scholarships 國際生獎學金
Students should apply for scholarships or financial aid from their home universities where they apply for graduate admissions.
Please refer to the following links:
NYCU(Chiao Tung Campus):   https://oia.nctu.edu.tw/en/degree-seeking/international-students/ 
NTHU:   http://oga.nthu.edu.tw/index/index/lang/en
NCU  :   http://oia.ncu.edu.tw/index.php/en/
NYCU(Yang Ming campus):  http://oia.ym.edu.tw/index.php/en-gb/

Other Scholarship 其他獎學金

1.台聯大獎學金 UST Scholarship
Application Submission Deadline: mid of the semester
Scholarship Description: The highest amount is NT$8,000 per month for Master degree and NT$15,000 for pHD, duration for one semester(6 months)

Who can apply?
The student has enrolled in UST International Graduate Program for one semester at least and must have achieved an average grade of 80 or higher.

How to apply?
Submit your application materials to the International Graduate Program Office at your university before the deadline.

2.陽明交通大學交通校區新南向培英專案獎學金 NYCU(Chiao Tung Campus) Elite Scholarship Program

General Information: The Ministry of Education (MOE) created the Elite Scholarship Program in order to encourage lecturers from countries in South and Southeast Asia to pursue a graduate degree in Taiwan 
A. Amount: (1) Monthly stipend of NT$20,000 (2) Recipients can apply for Tuition Waiver from NYCU(Chiao Tung Campus)
B. Duration: Up to 2 years for a Master’s student and 3 years for the doctoral student

(1) Hold the position of lecturer (or assistant professor and professor) at a public or private higher education institution in a country of South or Southeast Asian. 
(2) Citizen of the country of South or Southeast Asian. 
(3) Need to enrol NCTU Master or Doctoral program in 2021 Fall semester. 
(4) Position of lecturer (or assistant professor and professor) need to be on hold because of study till graduate.

For further inquiry, please contact: Division of International Admissions Office of International Affairs National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University oia.nctu.edu.tw E-mail: scholarships@nctu.edu.tw

3. 台灣獎助學金 Taiwan Fellowships & Scholarship
The TAFS comprises 9 awards in 3 categories: Fellowships, Huayu (Mandarin) Enrichment Scholarships, and Scholarships for Degree.
Approximately 1,250 grants are provided annually for undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as researchers across the world to study or to conduct advanced research in Taiwan.